
Client: Torch
Product: Executive Training
Deliverables: Brand Strategy + Identity Design
Role: Creative Director


All leaders are not created equal. Good leaders manage teams, execute tasks and maintain the status quo. Great leaders transform organizations and change the world. This is what we discovered when we worked with Torch. Torch is a group of coaches, psychologists, entrepreneurs, who offers leadership training to executives.They came to us to rethink they way the look and sound in the world, and needed an identity that set them apart from their competition.


All powerful transformation starts within the self - but its through interactions with other people that we truly realize who we are. As Torch centered around one- on-one training, we wanted to play with the notion of duality within the visual system.


We created a brand device called the “Dynamic T”, where the ’T” got split into two parts, representing two individuals coming together to ignite, creating something new out of this connection. It functioned as an activator within the visual identity system, adding movement and energy.


We further extended the “T” into a a unique brand language, using various constellations of the two units - and translating moments of connection through symbols. We also introduces a rich color and typographic system, that invoked trust and humanity, coupled with a brand voice that delivered thoughtful and quirky points of views with regards to personal development and human connection.
