Client: Chegg
Product: Study Tool
Deliverables: Brand & Product Strategy + Brand Refresh + Brand Assets
Role: Creative Director


The legacy textbook rental company had captured customer loyalty among a small and enthusiastic base, but subscriptions began to plateau. Chegg’s complicated structure made it difficult for customers to see the vast array of services available. They had also built the company on the back of SEO. With acquisition formulas down to a science, the team had little appetite to invest in brand if it would shake up their business model. Chegg asked us to help articulate a future vision and re-energize their brand connection with their students.
We unified product lines and oriented the platform around student needs, providing tools, services, and support to help reach students —from middle schoolers to those starting their first jobs.
By expanding the Chegg customer lifetime from a single transaction to a long-term relationship, Chegg and their stockholders could generate high customer value and also learn from longer engagements with the same customers.
We worked with Chegg’s internal UX and design teams to build a brand vision that speaks to student audiences and represents a student-driven platform. We continued to collaborate with Chegg on regular campaigns and activations, including video and radio campaigns, photography assets, and brand identity. Our role was to guardrail the company’s brand efforts, bringing new ideas to life and promoting a consistent brand vision based on the guidelines that we developed.
Since we engaged with them, the value of Chegg’s stock has consistently risen, from $6 per share at the start of our engagement to over $40 per share today. Chegg was invited to join the World Economic Forum in 2019 and was named one of Fortune’s 50 Best Workplaces in Tech.
